1. 1. 单个字符的处理 ~:切换光标所在位置的字符的大小写形式,大写转换为小写,小写转换为大写 3~:将光标位置开始的3个字母改变其大小写 2. 文本整体的处理 gu:切换为小写, gU:切换为大写 2.1 整篇文章 无须进入命令行模式,键入: ggguG:整篇文章转换为小写,gg:文件头,G:文件尾,gu:切换为小写 gggUG:整篇文章切换为大写,gg:文件头,G:文件尾,gU:切换为大写 2.2 只转化某个单词 guw、gue ...

  2. Hadoop集群搭建(官网:http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/cn/cluster_setup.html) Hadoop集群角色 Masters 机器 NameNode JobTracker Slaves 机器 DataNode TaskTracker NameNode与JobTracker为两台不同的机器。 DataNode和TraskTracke ...

  3. 利用HTML5+CSS就可以制作很多图片效果,而无需使用JS. 这里收集了一些效果demo. Hover效果:     参考资料: https://tympanus.net/Development/HoverEffectIdeas/index2.html ...

  4. https://www.djangoproject.com/ Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on ...

  5. 安装Weblogic2014-11-19

    本文是在Linux环境下安装Weblogic Server。   大约半分钟搞定安装。 开始Weblogic server之旅   ...

  6. Linux上搭建SVN服务器可以参考网上这两篇文章,解释的很详细。 http://www.cnblogs.com/chaichuan/p/3758173.html https://my.oschina.net/junn/blog/164041 http://www.ha97.com/4467.html 这里快速的列出相关命令: 安装: 1. yum install -y subversion 查看版本 2. svnserve --versi ...

  7. 以下代码 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus®"> <meta name="Author" content=" ...

  8. 在Android Studio中Blank Activity和Empty Activity区别: Blank Activity Adding more ready made contents for you(ActionBar, content.xml)。 Empty Activity has nothing rather than a white screen. ...

  9. https://www.atlassian.com 这家公司提供了不错的软件开发环境流程软件。敏捷开发, 协同工作,代码管理, 持续交付等。如jira,confluence,source tree等。可以关注。 ...

  10. 33980

    A轮,B轮,还是C轮? 不同的投资轮次代表了企业的发展阶段。通常来说,轮次越靠后,意味着模式越成熟,风险越小,离上市也越近。当然,你加入的晚,期权收益也会下降。一般我们不太会建议候选人加入天使轮的公司,十几个人,七八条枪,一切都不明朗,变数太多,不过如果是合伙创业,另当别论。对于互联网模式来说,A、B、C轮的核心任务不同,估值侧重点也不太一样。A轮一般是要跑通产品闭环,建立基本模式的逻辑;B轮则要在闭环建立的基础上,快速增加用户数、订单数、交易额、下载量、日活量、UGC量等核心指标 ...

  11. 众多Javascript框架中AngularJS和KnockoutJs都属于MVVM架构。 本文将学习两者的基本用法和比较两者的不同。 todo   一些术语: Passive View: Active View: Separation of Concerns (SoC) 参考文档: https://addyosmani.com/blog/understanding-mvvm-a-guide-for-javascript-devel ...

  12. 百度地图的功能列表: 基本地图功能:展示(支持2D图、3D图、卫星图)、平移、缩放、拖拽等。 地图控件展示功能:可以在地图上添加/删除鹰眼、工具条、比例尺、自定义版权、地图类型及定位控件,并可以设置各类控件的显示位置。 覆盖物功能:支持在地图上添加/删除点、线、面、热区、行政区划、用户自定义覆盖物等;开源库提供富标注、标注管理器、聚合marker、自定义覆盖物等功能。 工具类功能:提供经纬度坐标与屏幕坐标互转功能;开源库里提供测距、几何运算及GPS坐标/国测局坐标转百度坐 ...

  13. 28490

    1. 这个Docker视频demo了一个Docker的应用场景: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFl2mCHdv24 ...

  14. 学习css3的作业之一,制作一个简单的图表。 这里是源码和效果图。 参考文档:https://tympanus.net/Tutorials/Animated3DBarChart/ CSS源码: @media screen and (max-width: 450px) { .sm-graph-container { font-size: 0.22em; } ...

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    Preparing for the CQA Test with DumpsArena study plan will put you on the path to success. By setting clear goals, utilizing comprehensive study materials, creating a structured study schedule, and focusing on key areas, you'll be well-equip ...

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    How to Effectively Use SY0-701 Exam Dumps for Studying SY0-701 Exam Dumps for studying can significantly boost your preparation for the CompTIA Security+ Exam 2024. The first step is to ensure that you obtain your exam dumps from reputable sources ...

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      Apply Theoretical Knowledge: Reinforce your  N10 006 Dump understanding by applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. Essential Tips for Test Day Prepare Your Exam Essentials Ensure you have everything you need on the day o ...

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    Pace Yourself: During the written exam, MACE Exam  make sure to pace yourself so that you have enough time to answer all the questions. Don’t spend too much time on any single question. Read Questions Carefully: Take the time to read ...

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    How to Prepare for the AWS Practitioner Exam Dumps Exam 1. Comprehensive Study Resources To excel in the AWS Practitioner Exam Dumps exam, it's crucial to leverage comprehensive study resources that cover all exam objectives in-depth. From ...

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    Understand when and why you need to reset your Apple Watch Series 3 Resetting your ResetAppleWatch Apple Watch Series 3 can be necessary in various situations. Here's when and why you may need to reset your watch: Prepare your Apple ...
