1. Deployment to application servers uses deployment profiles which rely on project metadata for the default mappings. Default contributors to the profiles are based on project dependencies, although you can customize the deployment profiles to change t ...

  2. Publish Assets to SOAP Documentation This chapter describes how to upload assets, such as web services, to SOAP reference guides. This chapter also how to find and review assets already in. The chapter includes these sections: Introd ...

  3. As a developer, it is often impossible for you to anticipate all the database columns and UI fields your customers might need, or how each field should look as end user needs change. Flexfields enable customers to configure their applications to meet ...

  4. 参考文档: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24329_01/web.1211/e24499/newdom.htm#WLDCW109 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs81/admin_ref/cli_tasks.html   ...

  5.  本文参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/ios9/p/8018227.html#_label0_0 1 -----基本数据字典及其说明 2 select * from dba_tablespaces;---关于表空间的信息 3 select * from dba_ts_quotas ;---所有用户表空间的限额 4 select * from dba_free_space;--所有表空间中自由分区 5 select * fro ...
