Linux上搭建SVN服务器可以参考网上这两篇文章,解释的很详细。 这里快速的列出相关命令: 安装: 1. yum install -y subversion 查看版本 2. svnserve --versi ...
阅读全文现象: 在本机打开服务的情况下可以通过 http://localhost:7001/console/ 登录WebLogic的管理控制台,但是通过网络IP,hostname等却远程访问不了 解决方法: 1.通过 http://localhost:7001/console/ 登录WebLogic的管理控制台 修改 [Domain Name]==> Environment ==> Servers ==> ...
阅读全文 Before you begin The administration port accepts only secure, SSL traffic, and all connections via the p ...
阅读全文# Redis configuration file example. # # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be # started with the file path as first argument: # # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf # Note on units: when memory size is needed, it ...
阅读全文Spring中Configuration的使用和理解,转载这篇文章写的挺清晰的文章 从Spring3.0,@Configuration用于定义配置类,可替换xml配置文件,被注解的类内部包含有一个或多个被@Bean注解的方法,这些方法将会被AnnotationConfigApplicationContext或AnnotationConfigWebApplication ...
阅读全文Spring configuration property的优先级官方说明: Externalized Configuration Spring Boot lets you externalize your configuration so that you can ...
阅读全文spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.1.4.release.jar下的 #Thu Apr 04 02:08:30 GMT 2019 ...
阅读全文Spring Boot为Spring MVC 提供了 auto-configuration. The auto-configuration adds the following features on top of Spring’s defaults: Inclusion of ContentNegotiatingViewResolver and BeanNameViewResolver beans. Support fo ...
阅读全文nginx(读着: engine x) 1) nginx的官网文档《Beginer's Guide》 这个指南大体讲了三个常用配置的例子:serving static content, setting up a simple proxy server; setting up fastCGI proxy server。 首先如何启动和停止nginx. To start nginx, run the executable ...