发布日期:2017-02-21 11:09:15


rm -rf foldername

grep “searchStr” folder

grep “searchStr” file

grep -i “searchStr” file //case-insensitive

grep -v “searchStr” file //print lines not including the “searchStr”

grep -r “searchStr” filefolder

grep -rn “searchStr” file folder  //print the line number

grep -rl “searchStr” file folder   //list the files name only

scp users@hostname:folder  foler


awk -F, ‘BEGIN {initialziation}  {code block} END {final processing}’ filename     

//$0代表整行 {code block}执行次数取决于行数,每行执行一次

{OPS=“|” ; print $1,$2}

condition{code block}

NR>1{print $1} 

//NR number of row

//NF number of field

//FILENAME file name


// backward slash \ 可以换行显示

cut -d, -f1,2,3 filename

cut -d, -f1-5 filename

cut -d, -f5- filename

cut -c1,10-20 filename


wc -l filename

sort -t’分隔符’ -k字段序号 filename


-r 反序

-n sort by number

-f ignore case

sort by several column

sort -t’|’ +2 -3 filename  

sort -t’|’ -k data.txt

sed = special editor

sed ’s/pattern/replacement/flags’  filename 

sed ’s/first/second/2g’ data.txt  replace 第二个first

//& ===equal to

linux sed command
