1. Lunt build 官网:http://luntbuild.javaforge.com/ Jenkins(原名Hudson) 官网:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Meet+Jenkins ...

  2. 初学jenkins2018-03-22

    Jenkins搭建 (官网:https://jenkins.io/doc/)   安装后默认是8080端口。在mac下如果是service运行的话,其开启和关闭jenkins守护进程使用下面的方法: Terminal and Start / Stop daemon You want to use launchctl to start and stop Jenkins. Start Jenkins: sudo launchctl load /Libr ...

  3. by Bas Dijkstra  转自 https://learn.techbeacon.com/units/how-set-continuous-testing-framework-using-selenium-maven-jenkins Last time I talked about the key components of a test automation framework. Now I'm going to provide a st ...

  4. 47780

    Jenkins安装plugin时出现的错误: Checking internet connectivity Checking update center connectivity sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at sun.security.provider.certpath ...

  5. 通过apache来访问svn, 这样就可以通过http来访问svn了。jinkens里配置svn url。 使用Apache访问SVN的优缺点: There are some disadvantages of using Apache's http for your Subversion server: It's slower It's harder to setup Then, there are advantages: It uses ...

  6. 配置jenkins的一个简单的SVN的project,运行时build fail。   org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E204900: Error writing entries file for '/test/.jenkins/workspace/test' svn: E204900: Entry '' has inconsistent repository root and ur ...

  7. Travis CI学习2020-03-19

    官网:https://travis-ci.org/ "Test and Deploy with Confidence" Easily sync your project with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes! 这是Travis的宗旨。很多github上的open source都在使用travis。 我也是在学习开源项目tesseract的时候接触Travis. &nbs ...
