1. 甲骨文SOA套件提供了一整套基本组件来设计、部署和管理SOA composite Applications。 Oracle SOA Suite包含这些组件: SOA Infrustructure Application. (这是一个Java EE-compliant application,运行在weblogic server上,在这个App上面运行管理composites的 lifecycle, service engines, and binding components) ...

  2. 启动SoapUI5.3后几秒钟后crash重启。重启后仍然不工作。 后台hs_err_pidxxxx.log内容如下: [134 Michal-MBP:Applications kolisko$ SoapUI-5.3.0.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub Configuring log4j from [/Applications/SoapUI-5.3.0.app/Contents/java/app/bin/soapui-log4j. ...

  3. Oracle SOA Business Events简介。 官方文档(Using Business Events and the Event Delivery Network):https://docs.oracle.com/html/E10224_05/obe_intro.htm You can raise business events when a situation of interest occurs. For example, in a loan flow scenari ...

  4. 官方文档 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29542_01/dev.1111/e10224/obe_intro.htm#SOASE004 This chapter describes how to subscribe to or publish business events from Oracle Mediator or a BPEL process in a SOA composite application. Business events are publi ...

  5. 如何排查Oracle SOA Suite以及Oracle BPM Suite的疑难杂症请参考官方文档: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29542_01/admin.1111/e10226/appx_trouble.htm#SOAAG3705 how to troubleshoot issues you can encounter when using Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite, including loggi ...

  6. 如何在oracle ADF框架下开发测试部署SOAP web services. 本文参考官方文档的解读版:“Creating SOAP Web Services with Application Modules” :https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E51366_01/adf/develop/bcextservices.htm#ADFFD534 官网分为三部分讲述了这个问题: Section 11.1, "In ...

  7. Publish Assets to SOAP Documentation This chapter describes how to upload assets, such as web services, to SOAP reference guides. This chapter also how to find and review assets already in. The chapter includes these sections: Introd ...
