1. ant官方文档:http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html  filter: Sets a token filter for this project, or reads multiple token filters from a specified file and sets these as filters. Token filters are used by all tasks that perform file-copying op ...

  2. ant tasks2016-08-01

    这里是ant tasks传送门。 Archive Tasks Audit/Coverage Tasks Compile Tasks Deployment Tasks Documentation Tasks EJB Tasks Execution Tasks File Tasks Java2 Extensions Tasks Logging Tasks Mail Tasks Miscellaneous Tasks Pre-process Tasks Property ...

  3. 原文:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/adf/part4-098813.html Oracle JDeveloper 11g makes it easy to compile applications, generate deployment artifacts (such as Java archives [JARs], Web application archives (WARs), and enterprise archive ...

  4. UML工具2019-09-06

    plantUML:http://plantuml.com/zh/class-diagram。 PlantUML是一个开源项目,支持快速绘制UML各类图表以及一些非UML图表。 plantText: https://www.planttext.com/ 是一个在线网站,可以用来设计UML以及生成代码。 UML图表有: 时序图 用例图 类图 活动图  组件图 状态图 对象图 部署图  定时图&n ...
