发布日期:2014-03-07 14:28:45

如何定义一个HTTP响应呢?在RFC2616的第六章定义了HTTP Response的格式。请参考官网


 Response      = Status-Line           
                       *(( general-header      
                        | response-header    
                        | entity-header ) CRLF) 
                       [ message-body ]      


Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF


Status-Code    =
            "100"   Continue
          | "101"   Switching Protocols
          | "200"  OK
          | "201"  Created
          | "202"  Accepted
          | "203"  Non-Authoritative Information
          | "204"  No Content
          | "205"  Reset Content
          | "206"  Partial Content
          | "300"  Multiple Choices
          | "301"  Moved Permanently
          | "302"  Found
          | "303"  See Other
          | "304"  Not Modified
          | "305"  Use Proxy
          | "307"  Temporary Redirect
          | "400"  Bad Request
          | "401"  Unauthorized
          | "402"  Payment Required
          | "403"  Forbidden
          | "404"  Not Found
          | "405"  Method Not Allowed
          | "406"  Not Acceptable
          | "407"  Proxy Authentication Required
          | "408"  Request Time-out
          | "409"  Conflict
          | "410"  Gone
          | "411"  Length Required
          | "412"  Precondition Failed
          | "413"  Request Entity Too Large
          | "414"  Request-URI Too Large
          | "415"  Unsupported Media Type
          | "416"  Requested range not satisfiable
          | "417"  Expectation Failed
          | "500"  Internal Server Error
          | "501"  Not Implemented
          | "502"  Bad Gateway
          | "503"  Service Unavailable
          | "504"  Gateway Time-out
          | "505"  HTTP Version not supported
          | extension-code

      extension-code = 3DIGIT
      Reason-Phrase  = *<TEXT, excluding CR, LF>


      - 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
      - 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received,
        understood, and accepted
      - 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to
        complete the request
      - 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot
        be fulfilled
      - 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently
        valid request


response-header = Accept-Ranges         
                       | Age                
                       | ETag                
                       | Location              
                       | Proxy-Authenticate    
                       | Retry-After        
                       | Server                
                       | Vary            
                       | WWW-Authenticate       

