本文为spring cloud学习笔记,官方文档:https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Greenwich.SR1/
- Cloud Native Applications
- Spring Cloud Context: Application Context Services
- Spring Cloud Commons: Common Abstractions
- Spring Cloud Config
- Spring Cloud Config Server
- Spring Cloud Config Client
- Serving Alternative Formats
- Serving Plain Text
- Embedding the Config Server
- Push Notifications and Spring CLoud Bus
- Spring Cloud Netflix
- Spring Cloud OpenFeign
- Spring Cloud Stream
- Binder Implementations
- Spring Cloud Bus
- Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Spring Cloud Consul
- Spring Cloud Zookeeper
- Spring Cloud Security
- Spring Cloud for Cloud Foundry
- Spring Cloud Contract
- Spring Cloud Vault
- Spring Cloud Gateway
- Spring Cloud Function
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes
- Spring Cloud GCP (Google Cloud Platform)