NYSE, NASDAQ Vocabulary:
熊市:bear 牛市: bull 股票: share 保证金,债券: security 交易所: exchange 经纪人: broker 商品: commodity 货币: currency 期货: feature 股息,红利: dividend 债券: bond 股票,股份: share 买卖的特权,选择权: option 普通股:common stock 优先股: preferred stock 派生物,权证?: derivative 购买选择权: call option 卖出选择权: put option 小盘股: small caps 大盘股: large caps 蓝筹股票: blue chips 红筹股票: red chips 指数: index 交易厅: trading floor
share : represents a fraction of ownership in a business. common stock : carries voting rights that can be exercised in corporate decisions. preferred stock : does not carry voting rights, but legally entitles shareholders to receive a certain level of dividend payments before any dividends can be issued to other shareholders. dividend : is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholder members. derivative : is a contract that has a value, based on the expected future price movements of the asset to which it is linked. option : gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to engage in some specific transaction on the asset, while the seller must fulfill the transaction if so requested by the buyer. bond : is a formal contract to repay borrowed money with interest at fixed intervals.
The trade floor A call option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a specified price and time. Oranges, apples, cotton, gold and oil are all types of commodities . Contracts that give the holder the obligation to buy or sell at a predetermined date and time are called futures . A put option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at a specified price and time. Small caps are small businesses that are publicly traded. Large caps are large businesses that are publicly traded. These are also called blue chips .