1. JWT简介2018-07-18

    JWT: JSON Web Token, 是一个Open standard for Passing claims (Security information) Between two paties. 申明传输。它是: Self-containded: carries all the informaiton necessary within itself. JSON object on its own. 主要被用在:Mainly used in web appl ...

  2. Publish Assets to SOAP Documentation This chapter describes how to upload assets, such as web services, to SOAP reference guides. This chapter also how to find and review assets already in. The chapter includes these sections: Introd ...

  3. Deployment to application servers uses deployment profiles which rely on project metadata for the default mappings. Default contributors to the profiles are based on project dependencies, although you can customize the deployment profiles to change t ...

  4. ADF 应用开发如何deploy applications 官方文档:https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24382_01/user.1112/e17455/deploying_apps.htm#OJDUG542 Section 9.1, "About Deploying Applications" Section 9.2, "Running Java EE Applications in the Integrated Ap ...

  5. 原文:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/adf/part4-098813.html Oracle JDeveloper 11g makes it easy to compile applications, generate deployment artifacts (such as Java archives [JARs], Web application archives (WARs), and enterprise archive ...

  6. 如何理解jdeveloper开发时生成的jws,jpr,jpx文件? jws:用来纪录workspace相关的信息,比如workspace中的projects信息。 在workspace disk中。所以又叫application container. jpr:用来纪录project相关的信息,如java files. 所以又叫project container. jpx:用来纪录Model project中data model信息。包含了jdeveloper在设计阶 ...

  7. 如何在oracle ADF框架下开发测试部署SOAP web services. 本文参考官方文档的解读版:“Creating SOAP Web Services with Application Modules” :https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E51366_01/adf/develop/bcextservices.htm#ADFFD534 官网分为三部分讲述了这个问题: Section 11.1, "In ...

  8. 作者:黑白电影_ 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/013f810cdb75 來源:简书 简书著作权归作者所有,任何形式的转载都请联系作者获得授权并注明出处。  1.背景介绍 由于HTTP是一种无状态协议,服务器没有办法单单从网络连接上面知道访问者的身份,为了解决这个问题,就诞生了Cookie Cookie实际上是一小段的文本信息。客户端请求服务器,如果服务器需要记录该用户状态,就使用response向客户端浏览器颁发一个Cookie ...

  9. 如何排查Oracle SOA Suite以及Oracle BPM Suite的疑难杂症请参考官方文档: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29542_01/admin.1111/e10226/appx_trouble.htm#SOAAG3705 how to troubleshoot issues you can encounter when using Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite, including loggi ...

  10. 官方文档 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29542_01/dev.1111/e10224/obe_intro.htm#SOASE004 This chapter describes how to subscribe to or publish business events from Oracle Mediator or a BPEL process in a SOA composite application. Business events are publi ...

  11. Oracle Integration Cloud Service (一)管理Oracle ICS https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/integration-cloud-service/icsug/administering-integration-cloud-services.html Topics Monitoring Integrations  监控集成 Managing Integrat ...

  12. 如何使用Oracle Fusion Applications日志文件? Oracle Fusion Applications很大很多,后面的运维和对customer success的支持离不开后台log file。如果找到正确的log文件和如何设置log level都是挑战。官方给出这个文档以帮助Oracle Fusion Applications的系统运维和开发支持。 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E36909_01/fusionapps.1111/e144 ...

  13. EDN debugging2018-06-20

    如何调试EDN? 本文介绍如何查看Oracle EDN(Event Delivery Network)问题,以及介绍了一些debug EDN 的tools。 调试EDN的工具有: Using EDN-DB-LOG USing Database Tables Sever Logs   (一)使用 EDN-DB-LOG EDN自带了一个非常有用的EDN DB logging Servlet,用来查看EDN组件产生的logging inf ...

  14. # Redis configuration file example. # # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be # started with the file path as first argument: # # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf # Note on units: when memory size is needed, it ...

  15. Oracle SOA Business Events简介。 官方文档(Using Business Events and the Event Delivery Network):https://docs.oracle.com/html/E10224_05/obe_intro.htm You can raise business events when a situation of interest occurs. For example, in a loan flow scenari ...

  16. # 下载到/var/www/php5目录下 cd /var/www/php5 wget http://mirrors.sohu.com/php/php-5.5.7.tar.gz # 解压 tar zxvf php-5.5.7.tar.gz # 进入PHP的openssl扩展模块目录 cd php-5.5.7/ext/openssl/ /var/www/php5/bin/phpize # 这里为你自己的phpize路径,如果找不到,使用whereis ...

  17. Credential Store Framework (CSF) is used in OWSM to manage the secure credentials. 下面是创建CSF Key的步骤: 1.首先需要这些信息 Weblogic Domain Name Identity Domain Name User Name Password 在Fusion Applications control (EM) 中选择Weblogic Domain Nam ...

  18. Title and Copyright Information Preface What's New in This Guide Part I Introducing Oracle Web Services 1 Overview of Oracle Web Services Security and Policy Management 2 Using Oracle Web Services Manager with WebLogic Server ...

  19. Wiring Components to Work Together This chapter describes service tables and how to wire particular Oracle Fusion Middleware components together. It contains the following sections: Understanding Service Tables Viewing Service ...

  20. https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/wls/WLACH/taskhelp/domainconfig/EnableTheDomainwideAdministrationPort.html#WLACH01108   Before you begin The administration port accepts only secure, SSL traffic, and all connections via the p ...
